Electric Meat Slicers

Shop online at Huon Distributors for electric meat slicers, suitable for home use or light commercial applications.
Electric slicers are available in a huge range of models, starting with the very small plastic kitchen variety, right up to the very large and automated heavy duty bacon slicers used in commercial deli's and butcher shops.
Consistent with our entire range, we do not bother trying to sell the small and cheaply built kitchen-type appliances. Such items, although inexpensive to buy, just don't stand up to the requirements of serious home or commercial use.
If you are looking for solid and reliable slicers that are easy to clean, easy to sharpen, and will quickly transform all your hams, salamis and other smallgoods into nice even portions, then you have come to the right place!
Huon Electric Meat Slicer Model 250L
Price: $679.00